Saturday, July 22, 2006

Apple Commercial - Networking

test to integrate Google Video into my blog (esp after recent YouTube terms & conditions changes!)

a Japanese friend of mine says the guest woman doesn't even look Japanese! (didn't ask her if she's really speaking Japanese - I hope so!)

Saturday, July 15, 2006

bacon anyone?

ok - for the life of me - I have yet to see the email-to-blogger feature work...crossing my fingers and perhaps it's been fixed over the last year...

time to find that BLT here in Thonburi! :P

Friday, July 14, 2006

photos n blogs

One of the biggest reasons peeps put photos on Flickr is the fact that photos can be statically linked not to mention their API is quite open so Flock integrations are to be expected.

So if all goes well - this will be a picture of my friend G who just left for the states after 2 1/2 years in Thailand.  He is one of the best friends I made during the last 3 years and here he is trying Skype for the first time - exactly how we plan to keep in touch!

ok - now to try to drag a photo from the photo bar!


ps. intersting coinky-dink - just saw this post by YackPack founder that audio sustains itself more than photos!   (Flock community: look fwd to the audio/multimedia integration next!)

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Blogged with Flock

will everyone Flock?

I'm playing around with evaluating Flock right now. I wasn't too hot on it 9 months ago but ever since I saw a photo integration with PhotoBucket and realized they also have Flickr support, I decided to give it another look.

So far it's a mixed experience - not quite Firefox, not quite Camino, not quite Mac OS X (aka. I want my emacs bindings dammit!), not quite a RSS Reader like Vienna. All the elements are there and it's gonna be a tough call from a UI perspective as to how to integrate it all together: blogs, photos, news, web, favorites, etc.

If all works well - this will go out to my mashup blog!

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Blogged with Flock

Monday, July 10, 2006

double-edged sword

after taking on being debt-free through college and into my professional life – i fell into debt when i lost my job and decided to start something on my own. it wasn’t until I got out to Thailand and decided I’d start over that I gave up material assets in the spirit of peace of mind – best thing I could have ever done!

now the confidence to take on debt again after you’ve reach this point is really the tricky part – borrowing money has value!!!